Customer Portal Guide & Features

This guide will help you navigate your Simply Hosting Customer Portal.

The navigation bar will always appear at the top of your customer portal, allowing you to freely navigate different sections.

Overview (Dashboard)

This is your customer portal home page, It shows common information needed such as account information, future billing dates & server list.

From this page you can navigate to your server’s control panels and perform certain actions such as requesting additional IP addresses, Installing operating systems and checking network graphs for your server. It also provides hardware information about your server.


Similar to the above, with information relating to account/billing and more focused on your servers and any open support requests that may be relating to them.


This will be the configuration page for Firewalls, Typically basic functions and information.


This lists all the active services on your account.


You can raise a new support ticket for a member of staff to look into, as well as view any previous / closed tickets.

When raising a new ticket, select the server you are having issues with.
The department you wish to contact, e.g. Technical, Sales, Accounts and Billing.
Add an appropriate subject describing your issue, and provide as much information related to your issue as possible.

You can also select the “Add sensitive information” field at the bottom to add more information to the ticket, This information will be deleted when the ticket is closed. Useful for providing temporary access to servers or private information.


Here is where you will be able to see current/upcoming invoices and navigate your products.


This page is useful for managing rDNS (reverse Domain Name Service).

Tip: This is typically configured when the server is being used for hosting/mail server and is useful for managing domain reputation.


VLAN’s can be purchased to allow you to set up a local network where servers can communicate with each other through our network using an internal private network.


Manage your SSL certificates (Secure Sockets Layer).

Tip: These are used for domain hosting, and add extra reputation and security to web hosting. They are needed for secure online transactions and keeping customer information private and secure.


The Reseller program is an opportunity for customers to work with us to provide server hosting to their customers.

Tip: For existing resellers, this is the management page for the program.
For non reseller’s it will provide information related to the program and has an option to sign-up option.


Takes you to the support section of our website

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